February 9-May 7
Registration begins January 1st.
All Class offerings are based on 10 student participation. If the class does not fill, it will not be offered.
Introduction to the Theatre $200
Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00 (Katie Mack-Montenegro)
Grades K-1 – Maximum 10 students per class
Ms. Katie will lead the children though role playing, songs, movement and theatre games to encourage and unleash their imagination.
Storytelling $200
Tuesday 4:15-5:15pm (Kerry DiMaggio)
Grades 2-3 – Maximum 10 students
Ancient theatre began as oral storytelling, so what better way to introduce our young performers to the world of theatre? Students will learn to present a theatrical story using their bodies, voices, and imaginations!
Acting I $200
Wednesday 4:00-5:00 pm (Katie Mack-Montenegro)
Grades 4-6 – Maximum 10 students
This class will offer ensemble and solo theatre games as a way of building script-based characters. This class is recommended for our returning students.
Musical Theatre I $200
Wednesday 4:00-5:00pm (Kerry DiMaggio)
Grades 3-6 – Maximum 12 students
Students will learn the basic elements of acting, singing, and dancing for participation in musical theatre productions. Prior musical experience is not required.
Musical Theatre II $200
Thursday 4:00-5:00pm (Adrian Balbontin)
Grades 7-12 – Maximum 12 students
This class is for our older musical theatre students with prior experience. The students will continue working on their acting, singing, and dancing skills to strengthen the abilities for participation in musical theatre auditions and productions.
For our Musical Theatre classes: please note that the instructor reserves the right to move students to a different level depending on experience.
Advanced Acting Techniques $275
Tuesday 4:00 – 5:30pm (Joe Foss)
Grades 7 – 12 – Maximum 10 students
Audtion Required, contact ACT for more info
This class is for our older actors who are interested in perusing acting and theatre in a college setting or as a career. Students will begin with analysis of a script, delve into more advanced character and scene work, and learn how to make strong physical choices with which to communicate theatrically. Session will end with a performance of students’ in-class work.
For more information, please contact Kerry, our ACT Coordinator,
at (805)781-3889 ext. 14 or act@slolittletheatre.org
*For more information on our teachers, please visit our website at slolittletheatre.org!