Friday, May 20, 2011

The Board of Directors will hold its regular monthly meeting May 23rd, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. at the Little Theatre. Members of the Little Theatre are welcome to attend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

SPINNING INTO BUTTER opens tomorrow night!

SPINNING INTO BUTTER opens tomorrow night at the Little Theatre! Don't miss this important, award-winning play.

Set on a small college campus in Vermont, Spinning Into Butter explores the dangers of both racism and political correctness in America today. When one of the few African American students at liberal Belmont College begins receiving hate mail, the campus erupts, first with shock, then with mutual recrimination as faculty and students alike try to prove their own tolerance by condemning one another. As the administration sponsors public “race forums” and the students start their activist groups, Sarah Daniels, the Dean of Students, is forced to explore her own feelings of racism. Her self-examination leads to some surprising discoveries and painful insights, the consequences of which even she can't predict.

SHOW SPONSOR: Michael and Maryellen Simkins

Get your tickets today by going to!

Board Election Underway

The election of members to the Board of Directors takes place at the Annual Meeting, June 26, 2011 at the Little Theatre.  However, the By-Laws allow for members to vote prior to the meeting electronically or by absentee ballot.  Read more...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

TOO MUCH MEMORY plays for one night only!

Don't miss the Ubu's Other Shoe presentation of Too Much Memory. A theatrical explosion of myth and revolution, Too Much Memory retells the classic Greek story of Antigone and sets it firmly in the present. A timeless drama of family conflict and social turmoil, the play is a contemporary collage of mythology and modernity incorporating texts by Richard Nixon, Tom Hayden, Peter Brook, Anne Carson, Pablo Neruda, Susan Sontag, and Hannah Arendt.

Too Much Memory plays for one night only: Friday, May 6th at 8:00 PM.

Thank you to the wonderful cast and crew that have brought this production to life on our stage:

Antigone: Anna Bush

Chorus: Maggie Coons

Creon: Michael Siebrass

Ismene: Denise McGimsey

Haemon: John Carroll

Eurydice: Zandi Peters

Jones: John Dicus

Stuart: Brent Ericson

Barns: Nicki Barnes

Intern: Olga Siebrass

CLICK HERE to get your tickets!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Thank you for everyone that came out to the April NO SHAME at the Little Theatre. After only 5 events, NO SHAME has become of the most anticipated ARTS events on the Central Coast. Don't miss the next NO SHAME on Friday, May 27!

Check out what you're missing!