Monday, June 16, 2014

Annual Meeting and Elections

Annual Meeting/Board Election

The only matter of official business for our annual meeting this year is the board election, so our annual meeting will be a virtual one, conducted online—or by mail or visiting the box office, if you prefer. Ballots in the board election are due June 27. Click here to vote.  However, mark your calendars and save August 17 for our annual Open House and Volunteer Recognition party!  It will be 5 to 8 PM at the Little Theatre.

Special Election

In mid-July, we will be holding a separate, special election to amend the Little Theatre's Articles of Incorporation.  The Little Theatre incorporated in 1952 as a "membership organization." Currently, you automatically become a member if you do any of the following:

  • Purchase a season ticket
  • Donate $25 or more
  • Are part of the cast or crew for a show
  • Do volunteer hospitality duty at three performances of a show
  • Have been awarded Life Membership by the Board of Directors
Today, nearly 600 people are members of the Little Theatre.  As you can imagine, it has become quite a challenging task just to maintain an accurate, up-to-date roster of members and their contact information! Being a membership organization with so many voting members also makes it difficult to manage the business of the Little Theatre efficiently. For these reasons, the Board of Directors is recommending we amend our Articles of Incorporation to remove voting memberships. Click here to learn more about the Special Election.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to post them here or send them to


  1. Sorry if I missed it, but how then will Boardmembers be elected?

  2. Good question! The Board would elect new members.


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